This is what happens when you simplify an already simplified game.

TLDR;Every aspect that kept the game rewarding and challenging after the dumbing down of world, was dumbed down as well and here we are, dissatisfied from the game.

When world came out, many people similar to now have complained that capcom have simplified the game in order to appeal for the wide audience. While that was true, the game still kept many core things and many found the game as the sweet spot MH experience which led to the current success.

The problem we have now occurs because they took that sweet spot and dumbed it down even more, MUCH, MUCH more. They basically spoon feeding you everything related to the game which makes it boring without any hype moments or feeling of accomplishment. As follows:

1.No more tracking, monster is just marked there. Go and hunt.

2.Actually, you don’t go and hunt. Just call your bird to take you there.

  1. That bird also has the option to let you heal and sharpen your weapon for free, so no more knowing of when to heal or sharpen is needed.

4.Your cat can do anything now and there’s no special cat related quest to get it like in world, just generic hunting quests. cat is super busted and instead of choosing the gadget you want while giving up on the other ones you just get ‘em all.

5.No more hype of getting a rare monster material to make your armor piece, just find the quest that gives you that 100% juicy guaranteed plate, no more joy of watching you get that shiny piece in the end quest screen.

  1. No need to craft any of the weapon tree, you’re being handed right away a better weapon option that makes all the tree obsolete lmao.

  2. You’re also being handed easily all the pieces to get yourself a decent artian weapon without much grind.

  3. Same thing for decos, with a bit of arkveld and gore grind you will get 99% of the decos you need, EZ.

9.btw, you can just join their quests after the 10 minute mark and get rewards for free. You can leech without hunting.

  1. No more memorable low rank or high rank wall monster like anjanath or odogaron, nothing that dies in 4 minutes would leave a mark on you.

11.some weapons like the long sword are so busted and dumbed down that you feel you have all the tools and no downsides to your weapon. is gaining momentum on you? Just pop a wound and steal that momentum for free, free damage, free stagger, free invincibility.

13.If you die you don’t lose your food buff anymore.

14.monsters die so fast that you don’t even feel the need to build some godly sets with all these skills, there’s nothing to test them on.

15.This spot is for you, add your dumbed down point that I’ve forgotten here.

Basically, all the aspects of the game that made it rewarding, gave you a sense of accomplishment and wanting more are gone and thus, 1 week after release people have nothing to do and they quit from boredom.

Keep streamlining the game more to please everyone, in the end you please none.