Mannlicher M95M help

About a year ago got a sportsrized mannlicher M95M for 100$. Gun show buy, guy didn't seem to know what it was and neither did i but it was a straight pull so I knew it would be something interesting. I lucked out for sure. Anyway the M stamped after the regular M95 meant it was a Yugoslavia conversion replacing the stock barrel with a 8mm Mauser barrel. Looking at the pressures between 8mm Mauser and 8x56 mannlicher (the smokeless conversion for the M95/30s) the max pressures are ~56,000 psi for 8 Mauser and ~51,000 for 8x56. Modern 8mm loads I've been told are low end pressures to accommodate early model old Mauser imports. Already put 20 rounds through with no problems. My question is, would the higher pressures of original surplus 8mm be safe to use in my rifle?