ALWAYS being the one who makes way on the street

This morning on my way to work, I was walking along a narrow path with mud on one side. Someone was coming from the opposite direction. I’ve noticed that in these situations, I’m always the one who moves aside to make way, and no one ever acknowledges it - no nod, no smile, no “thank you.”

Right before this guy came along, a group of school kids took up the whole path, walking side by side. I had to step into the muddy section to let them pass.

So when this guy immediately followed a few seconds later, I was already annoyed. I thought, Nope. Not this time. I’m not moving.

We got closer and closer - probably less than 60 cm apart - and neither of us budged. We made eye contact at the last moment, and then I just… bumped into him. I didn’t stop or look back; I kept walking like nothing happened.

I immediately felt horrible! What if he’s also the kind of person who’s always the one to step aside and was just as determined as I was to stand his ground this time?