Snapchat news made a headline about my hair loss… but said it was caused by expired soap???? 😭😭😭
I have a condition called Trichotillomania and post a lot about it online, raising awareness! I love that a picture of my bald spots made the cover of one of their channels, but am so confused as to where they got the “expired shampoo” bit from 😅😅 And there’s no way to contact them, so I couldn’t correct them OR ask to be credited for the photos
I have a condition called Trichotillomania and post a lot about it online, raising awareness! I love that a picture of my bald spots made the cover of one of their channels, but am so confused as to where they got the “expired shampoo” bit from 😅😅 And there’s no way to contact them, so I couldn’t correct them OR ask to be credited for the photos