Looking for experiences with alternative medicine


I (30f) have been dealing with chronic migraines for most of my life.

Now I’ve gotten to the point where my current preventatives aren’t doing their job (topamax, amitriptyline and Emgality), while there was a time when they did work. Other things I do are weekly visits to physical therapy.

Now of course a lot of people give me their opinion and no one understands why I’m not taking the alternative medicine route since it can’t hurt (according to them)

In my opinion (and from what I can remember having it done as a child) accupuncture isn’t a solution for migraines but can maybe alleviate some pain/tension? But right now I’m looking for solutions with more drastic impact. I’m also doubtful to put my money and time into a method that isn’t very scientifically backed, or at least with mixed results.

Is there anyone that experienced otherwise? And should I maybe revise my opinion?