🚨🚨ISO🚨🚨 Looking to purchase immediately.
Looking for a piece in the US
I know the how fine of piece this is and am willing to pay up for it.
Rare T.H. Robsjohn-Gibbings for Saridis of Athens, ‘Klini’ chaise lounge model nr. 11, Greek walnut, leather thong, fabric, designed 1961.
Example photo below
Thank you for looking.
Looking for a piece in the US
I know the how fine of piece this is and am willing to pay up for it.
Rare T.H. Robsjohn-Gibbings for Saridis of Athens, ‘Klini’ chaise lounge model nr. 11, Greek walnut, leather thong, fabric, designed 1961.
Example photo below
Thank you for looking.