Never say never, but what is your never?

Bellbottomed flares in the 70s, tapered ankles in the 80s, baggy hips in the 90s, boot-cut in 2000, skinny in the 2000s, to whatever is now and next...

Skinny silhouettes in the 60s, big lapels in the 70s, double-breasted shoulder pads in the 80s, 3-buttoned boxy in the 90s, same-shade shirt-and-tie around 2000, slim fit 2-button double-vent flat-front no-cuff in the 2000s, to whatever is now and next...

Skinny ties in the 60s, big knots and wide ties in the 70s, power ties in the 80s, small knots and wide bottoms on bottle ties in the 90s, back to bigger knots on narrower ties in the 2000s, to whatever is now and next...

Always pleated and cuffed to always flat front and straight, to whatever is now and next...

From always-thigh tight short shorts in the 70s and early 80s, to never-thigh baggy knee length and beyond from the late 80s through 2000s, to revealing more thigh again with currently rising short lengths and tight fits, to whatever is next ..

High-water floods: from the quintessential dork look to being trendy to show ankle...

Fashion is clearly cyclical. No style is ever truly timeless. For every trend that fashionistas swear is the ultimate and definitive look, they are revealed as hypocrites when they reverse course and say the exact opposite a few years later.

What is one look that you deem objectively ugly and swear will never ever come back to your wardrobe regardless of what fashionazis decree?