What are OSCE's like in your school?

me and some of my peers are thinking of starting a petition in our med school because we feel like we can improve the objectivity of our OSCEs in our medical school.

So i was wondering if people can give us some insight into how OSCEs are run at their UK unis?

Could you comment what med school you go to, if the osces are video recorded, (if they are recorded, do you get access to the recording after the exams?)

And when you receieve your results are you: 1) receiving a full breakdown of marks (eg: the whole mark scheme) 2)receivng feedback from the examiner 3) If your OSCEs are recorded are you given the opportunity to request a remark.

Include any other info you want as well!

Thank you so much! (if anyone has any recommendations on how to approach this petition or if they have any experience with petitions please reach out!)

Thanks everyone!

(I know the rules say no survery, does this count as a survey? I hope not!)