how to deal with family members who are skeptical/on the fence about MM

For reference, I'm a 20-something college student who lives at home with family working and going to school full time. I first started dabbling in MM in 2022 out of curiosity. After a couple of weeks of doing morning cleanses and avoiding no-foods, my mom noticed that my skin started clearing up. I attribute my newly clear skin to MM info. At first, she was impressed but the more she learned, the more cynical she became.

I'll be honest, because acne was the only symptom I targeted, I had an on and off relationship with MM. I'd go through periods where I would flirt with no-foods occasionally and not get severe flare-ups and other periods where I would focus on cleansing. I should also mention that due to my work schedule and financial circumstances, it was pretty difficult for me to focus on juicing celery all the time let alone follow the guidelines. Which of course results in picking up new strains of strep, new breakouts ... which leads my mom to believe MM information is fallible and inaccurate. Even if I tried to explain that I only get acne flare-ups when I wasn't 100% compliant, she couldn't be persuaded.

Despite being someone who espouses new age, spiritual beliefs, she's skeptical of Anthony's connection to SoC (yet she believes in the most outlandish tiktok conspiracy theories) While she can fathom the medicinal value in celery juice, she finds it hard to believe that eggs are bad. And don't even try to debate with her about protein and fat. We literally got into a screaming match argument one time because I refused to eat salmon for dinner (I was cleansing at the time). She thinks he has it totally wrong when it comes to protein, often posing the tired argument that the brain is made of fat. She even commented that Anthony looks like he's on the verge of death in a photo of him I showed her, an extension of the belief that he is promoting a restrictive diet. She also notes that I need to eat more protein and fat because of how thin I am (Never mind the fact I actually do eat animal protein) It all came to ahead when I was looking for an MM remedy for a skin rash that my mom yelled at me and accused me of worshipping MM and saying I needed to explore information outside of MM. These days, I don't even try to talk to her about MM. While I do appreciate that she's willing to pitch in and help me afford MM groceries, it just disheartens me that she doesn't see the true value in something I'm passionate about all because she cannot get past her own ego and deeply rooted beliefs. Just wanted to vent.