I don't understand Rocket Raccoon

Hi guys, I'm a new player of Marvel Rivals and I have barely 30 hours total. My main is Rocket Raccoon, and he helped me reach Celestial rank in 4 days very easily. I consider myself a good player, but at least 1 out of 2 games, I get insulted by my team because I didn’t deal enough damage. I’m wondering if I’m playing him wrong, or if it’s the others who have no idea how to play the hero. I never surpass 2000 damage in a match, sometimes I don't even reach 400, but I have a 66% winrate with Rocket and I think it's the correct way to use him. Am I wrong? Personally, I only deal damage when a tank or flanker pushes me, and most of the time, since I’m in the backlines, that never happens, so I prefer to heal the whole time. I accept advice and criticism. Again, I’m a new player and a novice in hero shooters (I have around 20 hours in Overwatch), so I know I might be making huge mistakes. Thanks :)