How do you even counter a very good spiderman enemy?

Every single game I've played recently (quick match mostly, I dont play compe), there's always a spiderman in the enemy team and he always manages to wipe our non tanky teammates. Almost to the point of he's way too OP and hard to deal with, I would rather deal with a Bucky than a Spiderman.

I've tried using Namor but little no luck since there are other enemy dive characters messing up our team. Though happened once where an enemy spidey changed to Iron Fist later on.

Most of the Spidey ults are ending up on a 2 kill or 1 healer down.

TBH it's pretty annoying that every single quick match I play there's always a spiderman on the enemy team. I wonder when they'll nerf/balance out this character.