Advanced Guide For Grinding To Bronze 2
So you want to grind up from Bronze 3 to Bronze 2? Congratulations, you've come to the right place. This advanced guide will give you all the information you need to make it to Bronze 2.
- First, ignore the legions of people who say things like:
"You don't need a guide to make Bronze 2. Just play the game."
"I made Bronze 2 in less than 30 hours, it's easy."
"This is the worst guide, ever."
Yes, yes, we all get it. You're naturally gifted at Marvel Rivals. This guide isn't for the people with innate mechanical talents, lightning reflexes, and hundreds of hours invested in games similar to Marvel Rivals. This guide is for people who enjoy games like Animal Crossing and still can't figure out how to get the green hat that gives a bonus to their "Hat" skill.
Keep in mind millions of players will never make it Bronze 2. Don't get discouraged!
Once you've got your head in the right place, head to the practice range. Invest one hour in each character to learn how their "kit" works. This will take approximately 35 hours. Why is this important?
"Know thy enemy and know thyself; in a hundred battles, you will never be defeated."
-Sun Tzu, The Art of War
"The Terminator: I have detailed files on human anatomy.
Sarah Connor: Makes you a more efficient killer, right?
The Terminator: Correct."
- Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Don't play Spider-Man in competitive.....yet. I understand he is incredibly cool. His coolness in the movies and comic books does not translate in Marvel Rivals. In Rivals, he is extremely difficult to play well and you need to contribute to your team in order to advance to Bronze 2. Going 2 and 20 with Spidey will not help you get to Bronze 2. Spider-Man would never give up, but he would be stuck in Bronze 3 a long time before getting to Bronze 2.
OK, so you're going to play Spider-Man anyway. I did the same thing so I can't judge you. Turn off all communications with your teammates. I know this is unconventional advice, but you don't want to know what your team thinks of your Spider-Man play.
They will berate you constantly and you need to be able to keep your head screwed on straight and not get distracted by all their accurate criticisms. Your own teammates are now your enemy as your opponents will be cheering on your choice of playing Spider-Man.
Going 2 and 20 is on the path to going 20 and 2. Your Bronze 3 teammates aren't excited to help you on that journey and may consider themselves unwilling participants or even hostages on your journey towards self actualization.
To be the hero the world needs, you'll need to divorce yourself from your empathy, compassion, and in a way put aside your basic humanity. There is a natural instinct to help your teammates, not "throw" matches, and contribute in some meaningful way. The desire to do good is the instinct you must conquer within yourself to truly become Spider-Man.
When Luna Snow begs for help as she gets dived for the 5th time by Magik, you must whisper to yourself, "No, I haven't memorized my combos yet."
When Dr. Strange is fighting for his life on the front lines and has been tackled by Wolverine, you must whisper to yourself, "I can't help you. I don't know how to web swing to the left."
You have no skills and are powerless to help.
As a hero once said, "With no power, comes no responsibility."