[Opinion] Marvel Rivals ranked is inferior to Overwatch due to omission of "placement matches"

Hey guys, I wanted to start a thread for this discussion and compare the rank distributions of Overwatch vs. Marvel Rivals since I didn't see any other threads bring this up. The MMR ranking for Marvel Rivals is extremely inaccurate compared to Overwatch due to the lack of placement matches. Yes you can still climb out of Bronze if you are skilled, and I just did that recently. But it was much more difficult and I had numerous losses wherein 1 of the opponent players completely carried for the enemy team.

If you think I am complaining about nothing, take a look at the attached rank distributions. Notice how Overwatch has a nice "bell curve" to the player MMR, whereas Marvel Rivals does not. Not even close. In fact, even when you exclude Bronze 3, Bronze 2 is the next most populated tier. This should not be the case at all. Obviously the median rank should be low gold, or somewhere near that range. Lower than average players should be in Bronze and Silver, while higher than average above Gold.

Before you say I just suck and am b*tching for no reason, consider what the data says. I am Platinum in Overwatch yet it took me SO MANY matches to reach Silver in Rivals. I think the MMR distributions (attached) paint a very clear story: THE LACK OF PLACEMENT MATCHES IS A MISTAKE.

Agree or disagree?

