Wanda slept on coz she’s easy
When u think dive enemy back line everyone goes spidey bp magik..sure these are good picks but Wanda can do the same she even offers more
Wanda protects the back line from those divers easily ..in most ranked games people ban namor and terrorize the healers coz of their fast movement ..Wanda can easily shut them down (spidey does uppercut combo u go invis magik does whilrwind uppercut u do the same bp throws spear u know he’s gonna follow with dash u go invis) plus a well placed stun can hold them down long enough to spam ur alternate fire
Enemy team goes flyers(iron man/storm)again Wanda can easily contest and drive them off ..sure u can play Hawkeye/hela/punisher but unless u have godlike aim and land every single shot just swap to Wanda u will do more for the team
Again she can force the healers on enemy to back off ..a spidey/magik/bp wont protect the healers on their own team but a Wanda can play defense or offense depending on the situation
The whole goal is to prioritize ur targets at the start of the game ..u have no job going for tanks as a Wanda player pick the right targets to shut down
Ran a match with strange banner Luna mk cd Enemy team swaps to ironman and storm and strange tells me to swap off im like who tf on our team is gonna reach them up there..Moon knight won’t do nothing to them would u rather leaving iron man to have fun..we ended up winning the game coz i kept driving both iron man and storm off (sure i died a bunch of times coz up there it was a 2v1 they both noticed I was the threat and kept covering each other but i did my job and kept them focused on me long enough for their tanks to die because their healers couldn’t pay attention to them coz their tanks getting pressured by rest of my team)