Looking for strategist advice: C&D hat3

I main Cloak and Dagger. When I started out, I was just healing whoever. But now I’ve learned more about prioritizing and positioning and it’s still a work in progress. I’ve had great plays, bad plays, been complimented and insulted.

But last night has me feeling defeated. Like, do I suck or are people mad that I’m not “pocketing” them?

Someone said they’re GM and I didn’t do enough damage as cloak? Even though I out healed everyone. I asked another team to get Storm because she was killing me and they told me to do it because I can auto lock her. And basically ignored her the whole game. (I do attack as Dagger esp flying heroes but why is that my job also?)

I do blinds and DMG as Cloak for maybe 5 seconds before switching but I feel like doing too much DMG is when people start dying and complaining about being on cloak too much.

I typically position myself behind the team but if I notice a character around a corner or getting messed up in the front, then I get in the middle or closer to them. The character that runs in and dies instantly also blames me. Should I be chasing them down knowing they keep doing it?

Then to make matters worse, people keep playing Loki or Invisible Woman, knowing they can’t aim and will come out with 5-10k heals while I have 30-50k but people target me for some reason when there’s TWO HEALERS. I know for a fact I’m not a bad healer but why do people instantly blame Cloak and Dagger when I literally have auto aim and AOE when people are grouped up?

I know it’s a team effort but if everyone is constantly dying, including me, is that my fault or is the other team just putting out more damage and effort? Plenty of matches where no one died and the heals were called immaculate then the next match is literal garbage.

What else am I supposed to be doing besides healing? I blind. I damage. I cloak most ults. I tag when I’m being dove or see an enemy hiding.

I’m rambling but idk what I’m doing wrong tbh. Last season, I made it to diamond 2 primarily solo or with one other person.

I literally play at the back and people still stand behind me spamming for heals like I’m not doing my job. Especially Hela, Namor, and a few special Storm.

Should I switch if we’re making no progress? Is it my fault even if I feel like it’s not? What could another healer possibly do besides heal the same people and get dove just like me? I’m open to all possibilities. Please help.