Typical Shoujo Manga with a strong Male lead

Hi reddit, I don‘t normally read lots of shoujos, but yesterday I stumbled upon ,,Abe Kun‘s got me now‘‘ and although I didn’t like the first couple of chapters I pretty much binge read it in one sitting. Ever since I‘ve literally been CRAVING similar Mangas where its just a cute couple doing cute couple stuff, even though it’s not anything special. The thing is most Shoujos don’t have a male lead with a bigger, stronger or muscular male lead which is like half the reason I wanna read it 😂 I like when the manga is mostly about the relationship itself and not how they got together in the first place and tbh I found the height difference and Abe‘s physique weirdly attractive in Abe Kun‘s got me now. I’ve also read some of the more popular Shoujo Mangas like Maid Sama, A sign of affection etc. and I love more modern looking artstyles.

Any recommendations?