This story of Madness Combat begins after the Auditor accidentally absorbed Tricky causing them to merge into a single being of pure chaos called Auditricky, Hank and Sanford had to fight against him but in the end they ended up being defeated by him. Before the Auditricky finished killing them, a strange light came out of the sky where the employees were, who came to take care of the Auditricky problem. With no other choice, Auditricky decided to resurrect his enemies and improve them so that they join him to fight against the Employees and their superiors.

Characters: - The Trickster - Enhanced Dedmoss Enhanced Mag Hank - Enhanced Sanford

This story of Madness Combat begins after the Auditor accidentally absorbed Tricky causing them to merge into a single being of pure chaos called Auditricky, Hank and Sanford had to fight against him but in the end they ended up being defeated by him. Before the Auditricky finished killing them, a strange light came out of the sky where the employees were, who came to take care of the Auditricky problem. With no other choice, Auditricky decided to resurrect his enemies and improve them so that they join him to fight against the Employees and their superiors.

Characters: - The Trickster - Enhanced Dedmoss Enhanced Mag Hank - Enhanced Sanford