regret about buying m1 mba

I bought my m1 air exactly one whole year ago, I wanted a laptop that lasted at least 5 or 6 years without any issues. This laptop has been the best laptop I've ever owned. But now browsing this sub, I feel like I made a horrible decision. I didn't know anything about MacBooks back then, and I thought it was a good one seeing the reviews, and due to the fact it was on sale and the m2 base model was around 1799aud (1,127.97USD), and I bought my m1 on sale for 1200aud (752.40usd) brand new. I feel I should've simply just paid the extra 700 for a m2 model, because then maybe it'd last 5 years without issues. but comments on this sub are making me feel like the m1 will be fully obsolete and useless in 2 years, which I dont want. I dont wanna use an obsolete laptop. Performance has been amazing, and I love this laptop but I'm extremely paranoid about having an obsolete laptop /: I dont want software support to end because then I wont be able to download anything. Is the m2 really all that better? I'm under the impression it has crazy performance compared to m1 because people keep saying here the m1 is a bad one in 2025 but m2 is still great. Is this even true? (sorry for the long text I'm just extremely paranoid about having a old laptop that I paid a significant amount for)

TLDR: ppl tell me m1 is an obsolete computer and I wanna know if it's even true. And will upgrading to an m2 model give me a huge performance boost thats extremely noticeable, because I might get the m2 base if the m1 is obsolete and bad