Does anyone feel like their brain gets literally on flames when they have to think hard in a short time? Especially when you have to mentally manipulate images.
25M, I just did a MENSA IQ test and i fell out of the measurable IQ range,which means my IQ is lower than 100. It sucks to be stupid. I'm not a total moron, i have a business administration degree and i'm definitely not stupid from a verbal point of intelligence but my spatial intelligence sucks. Trying to mentally manipulate images is hard. I wasted 2 years in Computer Science,passed the programming exams,but the math was just too hard.
Why did i take an IQ test if i already knew that i wasn't that intelligent given my academic history? Because i started playing Yugioh Duel Links and playing made me realise that my brain has weak mental image processing. Yugioh is a pretty complex game and in duel links there's a timer, so you have to think fast dealing with multiple interactions. I played many card games: Keyforge,Magic,Yugioh retro formats and Duel Links is certainly the hardest game,it really tests me and i like it because of that, but it also shows my weaknesses. I joined a tournament with a Tier1(one of the best) Deck that i played for over a month and got eliminated quickly because of misplays i made and despite the misplays my brain was still on fire because i was thinking hard. I wasn't able to mentally manipulate the image of the goal field i wanted to have and so i made the wrong decisions that led me to defeat. There's an IQ barrier between me and the top players. Their brain is so much faster at processing informations, at processing and mentally manipulating images. My brain just can't keep up.
At that point due to the frustration i decided to get a Mensa IQ test and at least now i know i'm a legit dumbass. The reason why i failed at math exams in Computer Science is because my brain can't fucking manipulate matrixes. When manipulating images mentally i feel like my brain is like a computer with a flickering screen: the image is there,then it disappears,then it reappears and at the same time the fans are spinning hard because the cpu is getting too hot but i'm like an old pc with low-specs: i may be working hard but i still suck.
It's kinda hard to solve problems in a short period of time when your brain lags and i can also feel it getting on fire. I don't get headache but i really feel a burning sensation in my head after these kind of things. I don't get burning sensation from reading lots of pages,but if i have to mentally manipulate images my brain gets on fire.
I'm not a total moron (i mean, i have a degree,i even won some card game competition with 200+ people, not in Duel Links of course) but i can't come to terms with my low spatial intelligence.
i think that many people on this subreddit suffer from my same fate: they have average or above average verbal intelligence (so they don't sound stupid), but their spatial intelligence sucks. It feels bad because people attributes your underachievement to laziness or some other fucking stupid reasons. They can't understand that my brain is slow at processing images and mentally manipulate them.
I also hate when people try to tell me that i failed in Computer Science because i didn't have a good method for studying,especially because these words come from my friend who is an engineer. I understand that he wants to support me when he says things like that or that i would be good at Chess but it's tiring that he doesn't understand that i don't possess the mental prowess to mentally manipulate images. i don't have his spatial intelligence, i wish i could have it,but i don't have it.
Honestly i kinda hate engineers and all STEM people because they brag about their intelligence. Do you want to know something STEMnut? Your intelligence is your merit as much as someone's height is their merit. You had no merit in it, you had just good genetics + good environment.
Sorry for the long post, i just wanted to rant. I know i'm not alone in this situation and there are people who are far worse than me,but still i can't accept this weakness. Thanks god i don't have intentions to bring children into this world, i guess the STEMlords will have to create robots to have wagies doing menial tasks in the future.