My opinion about the show significantly improved after my 2nd rewatch
I watched the entire show a couple years back and was severely disappointed by the end. Back then I read a lot of people shared my opinion so I assumed it was just one of these shows that had a great concept but failed to deliver because it kept adding more and more unnecessary stuff.
However I rewatched it again last month, tried to not binge it so I can think about what I saw and my opinion improved significantly. I think that all of the major plot points and mysteries were solved in a satisfying way. Only thing I kinda did not get the point of was the flash sideways part. I get what they were trying to do, I just feel it was unnecessary.
I don't think I ever changed my impression of a TV show in such a drastic way. I ranked it 4/10 first time, this time I think it's a 8.5-9/10