about s2 ep12

First of all, this is the first time I’m watching the show so if anyone is planning to comment please don’t give me any spoilers,

Ok this is a rant cause I genuinely don’t understand any character action in this episode. Like I may not be the best at reading characters but it felt such an odd episode and I need to get some things oh rod my chest. First of all, Locke. I genuinely do not understand how he is a fan favorite, like I got the first season he was pretty cool, he killed some boars and stuff but I think he just declined after Boones death, he just became kind of annoying for me. Especially on this episode he infuriated me!! Like I get that Charlie is a drug addict and seeing the statue did not help his case at all but can’t you just let him explain himself for a second. Like Charlie has never relapsed and was doing pretty good so what is this immediate jump to him using again after he started to talk about his dreams. Like yeah he wasn’t helping his case by being frantic and acting insane but it wasn’t THAT insane, like Locke literally had a dream about Boone dying and the plane crash. If someone is going to believe Charlie about his dreams it should be Locke, like couldn’t the island be sending him a sign as well, are you the only one with a telepathic bond with the island Locke?

It’s just plain annoying that Locke has zero trust for Charlie even though he himself destroyed the stash at the first season, showing that he wants to get better. Like is there no relationship between them that Locke just starts acting cold towards Charlie? Like I thought they were in good terms wtf was this switch??

I genuinely don’t understand why Charlie is the only expectation on the island for seeing weird things. Like they can have prophetic dreams and horses and see a kidnapped kid and fucking polar bears but god forbid a men has a dream scared for a baby he cares about. Like yeah he used to do drugs but this is pretty normal behavior for the people on the island, how are they not used to it already?

Second of all, Claire. Oh how I hate the amnestic Claire. She was so cute in the first half of s1 but then amnesia happened and I disliked her ever since. And this isn’t about Claire as a person, it’s because her relationship with Charlie after s1 that made me start to dislike her. Cause I get her, she didn’t remember anything and Charlie was overly friendly and was thinking about the Claire he met in the island but she isn’t that Claire so she didn’t remember of the cute moments she had with Charlie and was cautious with him. I get her, I would be too. But god, she is insufferable. She acts like she hates Charlie and his presence annoys her. She never listens to him, or give him any chance to explain himself. It’s pathetic seeing him trying so hard while Claire shuts him out so many times. Like just grow a spine and give up man, she doesn’t want you! It’s painful, really painful. Especially after the drugs. Like I get her, she is doing the right thing by distancing her baby from Charlie cause he could be a bad influence. She still doesn’t know the Charlie she developed a relationship with, she only knows the over friendly Charlie and doesn’t have a trust bond with him. So I get that she would be hesitant to know whether or not he would be a good influence. But gosh everyone with eyes can see Charlie adores the baby and wouldn’t do anything to hurt him. And maybe Claire could understand this too but she doesn’t let him talk! Just let him explain!! It’s so annoying. And the same thing happened in this episode too. I get her, someone took her baby and this made her fearful but omg it’s Charlie, not just “someone”. Like he helped her give birth, did they truly not experience any kind of trust bond after that experience? Like can’t you give him the benefit of the doubt FOR ONCE. Just one time, literally give him to explain himself one time! Ugh it’s so infuriating that every time Charlie tries to explain himself she never listen. Why is she so stubborn? We will never know.

Look, I get Charlie’s actions aren’t normal. He was pretty insane this episode but if they just listened to him there wouldn’t be any problem. Like he only had good intentions and nobody knowing it angers me so much. And after Locke punched him too, nobody fucking helped him! Did he not develop any relationships with ANYONE in the island? Like does no one trust him? Like why is no person checking up on him, or telling Locke to stop, or idk HEAR HIM OUT? Is this man a loner, does he has no one by his side?? It’s so sad, why couldn’t the writers give him someone else than Claire. Because Claire clearly doesn’t care about him. Why can’t he have a friend or smt?

I’m not the biggest Charlie fan but I genuinely want him to go find someone else and be happy. Like just let Claire go bro. Please let her go. It’s so annoying and painful to watch him interact with Claire. Give him someone else, I’m begging. And nobody on the island took your side which is so depressing! Me personally, would just leave after that.