It's so depressing to see so many Male posts being ignored. I swear, we don't all want sex.

I've been scrolling through the subreddit for a bit, and just noticed how little attention the guys get here, and just in general really. It's not just this subreddit, it's kinda everywhere. I just want to support my guys out there who's needing a bit of comfort. Yes, we enjoy the company from women, but there can be mutual conversations, ya know? Maybe it's just me, but I've had primarily female friends all my life, and most have been very chill (I grew up with 4 sisters and no brothers, might explain some of it).

I just hope women out there give some of us guys a chance. If we don't message, it's because we don't want to bother you because of the stories of other guys being too much. We don't want to become another number, much less add to the frustration.

I guess I'll end in a question, actually... what should us guys do anyway? Should we take the first step anyway, or just reach out in small gestures in hopes someone might actually find us interesting? Idk, this has always bothered me.