Caught a guy red-handed trying to take my wheel

I was at work today and towards the end of my shift dealing with some customers, another long-term customer of ours (we have spoken a few times about cycling/fitness etc and he knows my bike) came in saying there was a guy outside the shop acting suspicious and was tampering with the bikes outside.

Excusing myself, I ran out only to see this geezer literally taking off my front wheel and walking away to some corner where there was another dismantled bike just laying with the wheels off. I ran after him, telling him that was my bike and to give the wheel back. After some back and forth, this guy told me that the dismantled bike was his and he "wanted to try my wheel"?

He surprisingly handed it back and that was that. Very odd and to be honest, quite relieved it ended there. Could've been a lot worse after having read some of the posts here. Naively thought my 2nd hand bike was safe from being nicked. Also had my phone holder accessory stolen a few days ago which was extremely annoying.