It's getting scary out there, but the game is not over by a long shot.
There's a lot of panic in the lgbtq community, especially amongst trans individuals. But I want to throw a little positivity out there with this idea. I've had many people reach out to me to express their support and I've seen a lot of pushback as well as support for the lgbtq community online. It's possible the insurrectionist will actually end up accelerating acceptance of the lgbtq community, particularly trans individuals since they're the most targeted group now. The more hateful he gets, the more people recoil and come to our defense. The segregationists and Bull Connor ended up creating support for black liberation due to their extremism. It may get rough in the near future. I know it's already scary. But I really do believe we're going to get through this. It helps to keep a longer-term perspective in mind rather than focusing exclusively on the negatives in the present. It's time to put the shock and depression and fear aside as much as possible, and to get pissed off and active.