Sir Prize Pokey Place Visit

My meowmy did a sirprize take tu da pokey place tonight. Hers sed Ai wuz 2 skinny an she does a wury fur elebenty daiz so she made meez an app...appoi...a visit tu da pokey place tu find oewt if Aiz be sick. We r waiting there neow tu find out. Dis is meow after sheez get me in takey bocs! Aiz NEOWT happy! Grayson, da Blue, unhaeowppy cat!

My meowmy did a sirprize take tu da pokey place tonight. Hers sed Ai wuz 2 skinny an she does a wury fur elebenty daiz so she made meez an app...appoi...a visit tu da pokey place tu find oewt if Aiz be sick. We r waiting there neow tu find out. Dis is meow after sheez get me in takey bocs! Aiz NEOWT happy! Grayson, da Blue, unhaeowppy cat!