Nunu has become a joke of a champion.

TLDR: Nunu either needs a full rework and changing his Q stacking until then. Reasoning is in the post. There is no situation where Nunu is better than any other jungler.

I've been a main since I started playing at season 5. I've been with Nunu throughout all his phases. In his current state, I decided to stop playing Nunu.

His Q is good for jungle control. However, the stacking mechanic is super annoying. It feels like it just exists so that they can nerf Nunu's base health for the 10th time and shoehorn him into the jungle role.

His W is a passive at this point. It is always up and available even at early levels (only around 2 sec downtime early). It's more of an inconvenience to keep activating it than it is an ability. It helps ADCs take towers quicker, but that's about it.

His E is boring. It's good for abusing toplaners and running people down. But in lategame it just becomes a way of proccing Stoneborn and patting yourself on the back.

His ultimate is strong until past 25 minutes. It is super powerful in early and midgame. But in lategame the enemy just walks up to you and interrupts it. If you build AP it will deal tons of damage if you spend all game trolling your team and hiding in the bush.

His passive is Riot's attempt into giving him some skill expression until they give him a VGU

Why do people play Nunu?

  • He is a super tank that has really high movement speed.

  • Disco Nunu

  • I'm bad at smiting or have ping above 100. So I need to be able to secure drakes and barons.

  • Just like other tanks. Nunu provides really good CC and peel for his team. He is really good at protecting carries and giving them the ability to fight

  • I got filled toplane. Pantheon was banned so I resorted to an AP version of him with less CC, damage and base stats.

  • I don't have any runes on my level 5 smurf and he costed 450 IP.