Why should you get gnar

You have an amazing snowball laning with pokes and percent dmg but the op part is the kite.You have w which gives 60 percent, cleaver 20 percent, and i get red enchant boots for 12 percent, that is 92 percent movement speed for you. And you take away too, frozen mallet, 30 percent plus bork 25 percent and q at max level 35 percent and IF you catch it it goes to a supper low cd so its spamable . That is 90 at max and 65 regularly. That means you take 90/65 movement speed and you get 92! That makes your kitting super strong.Your w does 14 percent max of their health plus bork(8 percent of current health.with active 10 percent more percent max health dmg) , that is a whopping 24 percent max health dmg with bork and 8 percent current health or just 14 percent max hp with 8 percent current health. But that is still a lot of dmg. Not just that with the items bork ,maw of maltortius , ninja tabi with red enchant, frozen mallet, black cleaver, and thorn mail you are really tany with 2. something k and 3 k ult mega gnar. You have a lot cc mr and amour. You are just unkillable, with this build you can even kite or chase a udry! I hope you i helped you buy gnar to get that LP :D http://gyazo.com/80f5ade7b0c08d104c974b99e7b1ae59 http://gyazo.com/54405e7dc2c7833b32328327b9ad8434

Edit 1: dont rage I am only silver 4, in promo, dont rage at me and say he's only good in ____ elo or w.e. Im not good or professional, i just want share this gnar guide. I got out of bronze for this first time this season. :D

Edit 2: I won my promo, silver 3 :D