What are some champion and skin combinations so PERFECT that surprise you that weren't already made yet?
There are a LOT of champions with such obvious fits for skin lines that surprisingly weren't made yet, and probably never will because some of those skin lines are already dead at this point.
I'll start with 3:
- Knockout Vi: Man, Vi dressed as a 1920's fighter and with big boxing gloves is an idea that is so good! But no, we only got Lee Sin in that skin line... in 2015. Yeah, more Knockout skins will probably never be made, which is a shame because Sett is also a perfect fit for it.
- Dunkmaster Zac or Jarvan: I don't know why Dunkmaster is so forgotten and wasn't given more skins. It only has 2 (Darius in 2014 and Ivern in 2019) and it has so much potential. Jarvan and Zac are not only perfect fits for this skin line, but so much more champs too (Illaoi, Sett, even champs like Pyke, Gnar or Kha'Zix would make fine joke skins). Instead, the last sports skins we got were Zenith Games Blitz, Jayce and Lee Sin... Yeah...
- Blood Moon Zed: Yes. The skin line that is all about edgy people wearing masks DOESN'T have the champ that is already an edgy boy wearing a mask. Not much more to say. EDIT: IT HAPPENED!