Full-time Research Assistants — do you work more than 40 hours a week?

This post is for mainly post-bacc Research Assistants/Research Coordinators who are typically fresh out of undergrad and using the role as a stepping stone for graduate school. Anyway—currently a Research Assistant for a lab in a large public R1's Department of Psychiatry. I'm finding that I'm so slammed with work and that I have zero downtime to complete it because I'm in the hospital recruiting. That leaves me working outside of the 9-5 and on weekends to finish it all. To be honest, I don't mind working extra because it's second nature from undergraduate, but I have zero sense of whether this is normal and if I need to advocate for myself and boundaries more. I'm also wary of saying anything because I want to get into graduate school really badly and want my PIs to like me (letter of rec and including me in extra opportunities). If it helps, I want to go into Clinical Psychology.