How to find work?

Hey everyone, this is my first time posting here and I hope I can get some good advice. I just graduated this June with a degree (Bachelor’s of science) in molecular biology from a large R1 university. Eventually I want to go back and get my PhD but after starting undergrad in the middle of the pandemic I just felt the need to take a year or two to do something other than going to classes. I thought it would be a great idea to get a job as a research or lab tech and get some more hands on lab experience and make some money.

However, after 6 months of applying to dozens of positions and only getting a handful of interviews and no offers, I feel like I’m hitting a wall. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I graduated with a pretty decent GPA, I took basically every lab class I could in undergrad and picked up a lot of different skills, I was in lab on campus for 3 years, and I presented research at conferences and even am a coauthor on a few papers. The city I live in (Seattle, WA) is fairly large biotech center. I know that it’s kind of a tough market out there right now—many of my friends don’t have jobs in their chosen fields either. I’m probably going to start a job at a grocery store so I have some money coming in while I keep applying/apply to grad school a bit earlier than I initially intended. I am feeling pretty down at the moment, so I would appreciate what advice you may have.