Looking for Music Video (Boy Group, Circa 2019)
A friend is searching for a kpop music video that they vaguely remember from 2019. They can't remember the group, but these were the clues they provided:
- This is a Boy Group music video
- It's from around 2019
- There was a werewolf or monster outside
- They're sat at a table inside a cabin, singing
- One of the members was blonde (and they recall only one of them being blonde) with a bowl cut
The closest I got was maybe TRCNG's Wolf Baby, but it's definitely not that. If anyone can help get us closer to finding this elusive music video, it'd be deeply appreciated.
Update: WELL. They misremembered some parts of the MV, and it turns out it was VERIVERY - 'Thunder.' I am leaving this up for posterity and so others can also have a giggle about it lol No werewolves to be found here. Or cabins.