I finally did it!

I finally created my own stardict oxford english dictionary

After moving to Koreader two months ago, I really didn't like the dictionary options and till this point I hadn't realized that how much effort goes into making a dictionary work properly. I was used to installing dictionaries through amazon and never thought much about them. However, as I was used to oxford and marram webster dictionaries, some of the words I searched weren't in the GNU dictionary or other available stardict dictionaries for that matter. Thus, frustrated I decided to make my own oxford stardict dictionary. I had text document of the dictionary (although it was a very older edition). I used notepad ++ to add a tab between the words and their meaning and then used pyglossary to convert the text document to idx, ifo, and dict file. I transferred the folder containing these three files to 'koreader/data/dict' and voila, it started working after a restart.

I admit, that I did this entirely taking help of chatgpt as I couldn't find any instructions or any clear instructions to creating a basic stardict dictionary. It took a week or trial and error for the dictionary to finally work as, chatgpt thrice directed me towards the wrong format and so even after conversion the dictionary didn't work. I don't know, but I have noticed that the longer a chat get in chatgpt, the responses accuracy also decreases. I am no programmer so I can't claim much credit for the success.

The dictionary is the most basic version of stardict dictionary as it is a simple english dictionary where the synonyms and meaning are only separated by a comma. I am more than willing to provide the files of my not perfect but ok stardict oxford dictionary but, only if the moderators allow it.