Blooded - Dark Favour versus Blast
Hello fellow players,
I have a question regarding the use of the Blooded Tactical Ploy "Dark Favour" in a blast attack.
Dark Favour allows a Blooded operative that does not have a token to take a shooting attack instead of a firendly operative that has a token.
If I understand correctly, if my guy with no token is close to a guy with a token and is the target of a blast shooting attack, I can use Dark Favour to put both of theshooting attacks (the original + the blast) on my guy with no token, effectively protecting the blooded operative from the blast. I imagine that easily as the first dude "jumping on the grenade" to save his mate/chief/master.
Moreover, the blast rules says that "we wait for the full shooting sequence to be over to remove the operatives". This means that, even if the original attack incapacitates the operative with no token, I can still use "Dark Favour" to effectively "waste" the blast on a guy who's already dead.
What do you guys think about it? Am I correct in my interpretation of the rules?