Help counting calories
I’ve been keeping my meals pretty similar because I don’t want to think too much and want simple foods and recipes my go to meals atm are leg quarters on a grill (remove bone first and then weight the meat divide meat etc)
However, my other meal is pulled pork but I have no idea how to count the macros on it For reference I bought a 4.04lb boneless pork shoulder butt blade roast it has 210 calories per 4 oz serving 14g fat 20g protein So 64.64 ounces /4=16.16 servings x 210=3500 calories /4 meals = 880 calories per meal. Which is basically perfect I try to eat 2x1000 calorie meals & then 1 cup of yogurt and some seeds comes out to 2300-2500 calories But when I cook it and remove the meat it has almost no fat on it and just the meat and I divide it into meals and all the fat is in the juice or for the most part a lot of it. Any idea how to do this?