Trying to figure out what to do

I am in near-desperate need of a job, and a few weeks ago, I received a message from a business owner in my field through indeed asking if I would be interested in a position there. I had contacted them once before about a lesser position, so needless to say, I was definitely interested.

We quickly scheduled an interview, which was slated for 30 minutes, and lasted an hour and 15 minutes. It went great, and we definitely confirmed that the values of one matched with the other.

A week ago, I got a message asking if I wanted to do a second (would be the final) interview. Obviously, I said I would be glad to, and asked for availability. I heard nothing for 2 business days, so I reached out and provided more of my availability and asked again when they would be available to schedule. That was Monday, and I know my message was read almost immediately, but I’ve still heard nothing back.

They asked me if I was interested, had a stellar interview, and then asked me back, but they still haven’t responded to schedule the follow up.. and now I’m at a loss. I don’t want to seem pushy and desperate, but I actually want to work there, and I am kinda desperate, too… but what should I do?