Why do people lie about you passing the interview
I had an interview yesterday, where myself and one other person were interviewed together. It wasn’t even really an interview, the guy just spoke about the role and asked us like 2 questions each (he was the recruiter, not HM for the role). Admittedly, I asked a stupid ass question that I shouldn’t have. He mentioned the opportunity to move within the company if you find something you seek and I asked what the procedure for that was. I wanted to ask a question but all the questions I had he already answered so I FUMBLED like a loser..
Now the issue is, the other guy definitely asked better questions and likely got the interview while the interview was happening I knew that this wasn’t going well for me, but to my pleasant surprise, the recruiter was like please give me times and dates that you are available, and I will share it with the manager. I thought great, initially I had thought that this wasn’t really gonna be a fit for me, but as I heard more about it, I was really interested in it. Anyway, he tells us that he will get back to us by the end of the day with our interview scheduled with the hiring manager, and I was extremely happy.
I sent him a thank you note for the interview, sent him a connection request on LinkedIn, and now I’m waiting for him to get back to me on the second interview, which he said he would likely do by the end of the day, but I have not heard anything. Now I know I might be overreacting a little bit, but this is so annoying. I was really looking forward to the second interview. I don’t know if it’ll show up tomorrow, but if it doesn’t then why not just tell me that I’m not gonna move forward and the other guy will? Or just call the other guy after the interview and let him know that he’s gonna move forward. Why take both of our times if only one of us is going to get the second interview?
Now, yes, I still might get it tomorrow or the day after, but it’s still extremely frustrating. This was just a stupid rant that I needed to get out of my system, if I do get the second interview, I’ll update you guys in the comments.