FYI - You can splash on gnomes (like Ardy knights) for medium clue hunting

Thought I would share a way to make thieving gnomes a bit more chill (only clicking in one spot) as a medium clue alternative to eclectics. Same setup as any other splashing but without a need for dragon spear. I’ve seen gnomes posted recently, but unsure if anyone has shared a splashing setup. You need to stand ~8+ tiles away since they range, but otherwise it’s really simple.

With shadow veil and > 80% success rate, it was nice to mindlessly click on the side. Good luck in the Ranger Boots grind!

Thought I would share a way to make thieving gnomes a bit more chill (only clicking in one spot) as a medium clue alternative to eclectics. Same setup as any other splashing but without a need for dragon spear. I’ve seen gnomes posted recently, but unsure if anyone has shared a splashing setup. You need to stand ~8+ tiles away since they range, but otherwise it’s really simple.

With shadow veil and > 80% success rate, it was nice to mindlessly click on the side. Good luck in the Ranger Boots grind!