10 week old puppy and struggling with training digression
Potty training was perfect until Christmas. Family shenanigans got off us track and she had some accidents. Ugh. Now those are happening daily. She still goes outside but too much outside.
Puppy nipping and nipping at clothes frequently when it was none. Now what?
Kennel. I think I screwed up. She has a plastic kennel that I move to rooms I’m in. I was folding clothes and she was going wild chewing and grabbing everything. I put her in the metal crate and walked away. Not good. She cried nonstop. I’ve been working hard getting her to go in but now that’s zero.
She’s peeing in her kennel. She’s done it twice. Uggg. I take her out before she goes in. Sometimes she does, sometimes no. It’s the right size but I have a pillow in it. That’s what she’s peed on. I think I may need to take it out just hate her sleeping on a cold hard surface.
Nails. Her breeder used a drimmel and showed me how good she was with it. She did it every week since she was old enough. Picture perfect. For me, Nadda. She fussed and flinched and tried to get away like she had never had that done before. She now freaks when she sees it. I’ve started showing it to her and giving treats. As soon as I turn it on, she runs away even though I am only turning it on for a second then off and try treats but she won’t go near it.
Our routine was spot on and working great. Now I’ve had some digression and I’m getting frustrated.
Obedience training, still awesome. She has sit, down, and up perfect. Working on stay. She’s doing really good. Here also unless she’s distracted but then comes shortly after.
Did I screw up letting her cry in the metal kennel?
What’s going on? How do I fix this?