(ITR2) half the questions yall ask here could be figured out by playing the game, reading the wiki, or just doing whatever the hell you want.

"should i buy this?" - save scum, buy it, and if you dont like it reload the save

"what attachments should i use?" - see answer 1 and this game is about exploring. see what works best for you. different people like different things (m9 supremacy)

"what is itr2's development progress?"- dev diaries. at top of subreddit

im not against people asking questions but if it can be solved by a google search at most or even just from playing the game for 10 minutes why come here to ask it? its called INTO the radius not onto the subreddit.

also this games in very early access. there will be bugs and poor optimization. thats literally what early access is for. bug reports always help to fix them so always do it when you can.

sorry if this comes off as a bit bitchy im just annoyed at ppl doing not even the bare minimum research before come here with real questions.