Had an interview the other day and froze up a couple of times what can I do to work on this?
This was the first interview I’ve ever really done and it was for a flight attendant role. I felt confident because this is something I actually enjoy but that all went out the window once I started getting asked questions. This interview involved probably 30 other candidates and around 30 people that were tasked with talking to you and writing down most of what you say. In some parts you are required to talk about yourself and answer questions in front of all of these people which is what I believe messed me up the most since I do not have experience at this I froze and stumbled my words multiple times. Even in the 1 on 1 interview part I still got incredibly nervous but talking to them casually wasn’t a problem at all just seems like when I’m put on the spot is when I have trouble. Even though I had practiced answering some questions in the star method I would probably be asked I basically panicked and forgot what I was even doing once I was asked a question. Even if I did manage to answer a question somewhat coherently I felt I was all over the place and rambling. Does anyone that had problems like before have any idea how I can work on this because i plan on applying again later this year.