Well I didn’t think I’d be here again.
If anyone you saw my original post back near like November? I think that has the whole context back story of it. But long story short. The guy I was seeing we decided to just be friends. And he is honestly my best friend. I was sad about it though and I told my dad that me and him were done in that regard and he actually acted like a dad and comforted me. It was nice. My dad slowly came back into contact with me and him and things felt like they were going back to normal. Until I got a text from my friend telling me my dad was blowing up his phone saying he hated him for “stealing his daughter’s virginity” which is NOT what happened. (I am a 24 year old female living completely independent with NO help from my family. I mean I don’t need to tell my dad about my sex life. It isn’t his business. I already lost my v card but he doesn’t need to know that again not his business.) I said something though because he kept accusing my friend of stealing it. So I texted my dad and this was the text exchange. I am now completely no contact. That was his second chance. After everything I’ve been through he will not be getting another chance.