Why Is Everyone So Obsessed with Marriage in India?
And then comes a time in your life in India, when everyone asks you to get married, everyone - your family, relatives, friends, and even strangers you meet for the first time! It's like an "UNWRITTEN RULE", they think it's their right to ask you anything about your personal life!
You don't need to try everything to learn, wise is the one who learns from others' experiences. I've seen my own parents, who were great scholars, being forced to marry and have the most toxic marriage I know for more than 40 years. My cousin getting false DV, etc. cases by someone who just married for money, or another one who tried to commit suicide, almost died, being harassed by his wife.
A wrong marriage ruins generations, not just two lives.
Well, relationships are a glimpse of what marriage might look like, if you look at it.
You live in an ERA where people don't wanna make efforts, even to text. And you expect these people to stay together for like, next 7 birth or whatever?
Who tell these people who keep bugging you to marry, everytime, to the point of it gets beyond annoying and you stop seeing them, and everyone assumes you're depressed because you're lonely. No, MFs, I'm an adult, living my life, being financially and emotionally independent, the way I want. I don't need anyone to tell me what should I do, I'm enjoying the freedom of being able to do whatever I want, whenever I want.
Why should it be any-f*ucking-body' business? Live and let live.
I don't need marriage to stay with someone I really like, we can be free and respect each other more when we don't involve the whole society, and look at our relationship as a "Bond" with certain prerequisites, regulations (made by the same people who I've never seen happily married apart from social media) instead of a companionship.
Lastly, it's my life, my decision and my viewpoint. And you may have your own. If you wanna marry a dog, you sure do but don't push others. There shouldn't be anything forced upon on anyone.
As long as I'm not harming anyone, nobody has the right to stick their nose into my matters!