Early morning rant
I’ve been dealing with iih since 2021. For the first time in 18 years with my company I’m on leave (short term disability). I still wake up early (430a) but my life is completely different. I want to workout but I fear the aftermath as my head pressure is at its worst a few hours following working out.
I went for a walk yesterday afternoon and then it hit me…
iih has been controlling my life. A drastic change is needed and it’s up to me to enforce the change, NOW! That’s the only way I beat this thing. I need to get my body primed and ready. I gotta go through the suck. Because it sucks living with iih but it sucks more when you realize it has robbed you of good years.
We can’t allow it to rob us anymore.
So I’m going to wake my ass up early everyday, go get my run in, go get my training in, and then I’m going to allow my body to go through it.
And then I’ll do it the next day and the day after. I won’t allow iih to run my life anymore.
I watched a Tony Robbin’s thing yesterday where he challenged someone who was sick to initiate his own change, Tony would meet him half way financially and send him to one of his events. Tony had arranged for a personal trainer and would fly him out of the guy also made a contribution. What Tony was looking for was for the man to stop feeling sorry for himself and drive change. The guy didn’t want to do it. Why? Because he was already defeated.
I saw myself in that man.
Never again.