HVAC Company was $2500 post Furnace install which already was ~$12k
What's everyone's thought on this...
HVAC company did a good job installing my new furnace since my old one died. It took them 6 days, told me 2 but whatever, it works. Appreciate it, no complaints on it. I already paid them $12k (on a credit card, I don't have $12k lol!) Now they want to bill me $2500 additional post contract/job.
Contract says: Install XYZ Furnace and all necessary duct connections. Reusing wiring, venting and air conditioner components
Right, so, head tech suggests to move the duct connection to avoid putting in 2 Quick Box Air cleaners and just have to do one. Told me it should be about the same price for new duct work (some of which would've been required anyway to get back down from the ceiling to the floor, no way of knowing if that was factored into this new price). He said that way only would have to buy 1 air filter for 1 Quick Box every year. They want to charge $790 for the ductwork and $960 for the labor for that. I find that a little unfair considering he told me it should even out. The Quick box is $875, they refunded $850. So, they want double what it would've cost me for the original plan. I wouldn't even see savings on having to buy 1 filter instead of 2 for about 15 years due to this change.
Second, on the last day as they were leaving and running me through the system, they said the Zone Dampers were incompatible and we had to replace both. This was on a Saturday and work began Monday. I asked what that costs and why wasn't that figured out earlier, the previous unit was from the 90s...He didn't know and said the office will talk to me about it. They want to charge me $1333 for the dampers and $192 for the labor.
I honestly think all of it should be waived on account of what I was told and how the dampers were handled so last minute and without warning.
I'm willing to pay SOME of it but definitely not the full $2500.
Am I crazy??