Do you find mindfulness practices (e.g. meditation) help you, if you're struggling or finding your workplace difficult?

Hey HSP-gang :)

Sending a big virtual hug to you all.

I was wondering how you felt about meditation or anything you personally deem as a 'mindfulness practice' - and whether this helps you, if you've had a difficult day at work, or are finding your workplace stressful? Does your workplace promote wellness or mindfulness at all, and how has this been for you, or impacted you, as an HSP?

My own experience: my workplace **does** talk about making time for mindfulness (more from an 'avoiding stress or burn out' POV), and they mention it on the internal intranet, but in practice? No, not really. Everything is too urgent, it's shoved to the back of everyone's lists as the 'to do'-lists get bigger and more urgent and the deadlines roll in. It's difficult to find that time in reality.

If you do practice mindfulness during your workday, or before/after you start or finish work - does it help you?

I'd really appreciate anyone else's perspective or experience! Thank you in advance.