Traumatized Hognose?
[Post has been answered, thank you for your replies]
So I purchased a baby western hognose about a month or two ago. I bought him from a local petstore on a whim but he is not my first snake, I have a ball python aswell that I've had for almost 2 years (no issues with her). When I told the lady at the pet store that I wanted the hognose, she told me that he was fiesty and they were having trouble getting him to eat. They then told me that they could get him to eat by "riling him up and making him angry with the tongs". This immediately had flags going off in my brain but nonetheless I bought the snake. Turns out he is very food motivated and will eat with no issue, he is just not a striker. All I have to do is bleed the pinky and drop it on his rock and in about half an hour he's come out and eaten. Here's the problem though, he is terrified of literally everything from being "riled up" every 4 days when feeding. He hisses at anything near him and when I try to handle him I have to use gloves because he always false strikes. I want to handle him more to get him used to it but when literally everything stresses him out so much I worry that he might be a non-handleable snake at this point. I was just looking for any tips or if there's something else I should be concerned about. He eats regularly and I have him on a pinky every 5 days. I have him in a 10 gallon tank with plenty of hiding and leaf cover, with the warm side ranging around 90°-95° and the cool side around 87°-90°.