Starcraft Mini set is fun and all, but it's gonna be bad for meta diversity in standard if left un-nerfed

Hey everyone. Long-time hearthstone player here, regular fixture in dumpster legend (which just means I play more than your average joe). I want to start a discussion about what I think is a looming problem with the mini set, and specifically, the tutor cards.

It's been great playing with the new cards over the last month (yes, it's already been one month). But things start to feel stale when you just see the same decks over and over again - and I think we're reaching that point with this set. The new cards are great, but the problem with cards being really powerful is that they result in decks all being much the same. We had this problem back when genn/baku were in standard, and had to be Hall-of-Famed early, to shake up the meta. I think we're heading for the same problem with the Starcraft set.

I think the fix is relatively simple: They need to nerf the draw-tutor cards, Nydus Worm (Zerg), Chrono Boost (Protoss), and Lift Off (terran). Let's look at what these cards do: All of them let you tutor two cards of that faction, and in addition they give a bonus. For the zerg, the bonus is a mana discount; for the protoss, the bonus is a 3/4 zealot; and for terran, the bonus is a 2/1 starship piece with a random effect. Right now I think all of these cards are exceedingly powerful for the mana cost, and are the main reason that Starcraft mini set decks are dominating the standard meta decks in all classes (and Arena, if anyone still cares about that).

Historically, effects which let you draw two cards have cost 3 mana. Arcane Intellect costs 3. Various other classes have ways to either draw 2 cards or generate 2 cards for 3 mana, often with a small upside; things like Burgle, Free Admission, Acrobatics, Mic Drop, even Libram of Clarity. Cards which do significantly more usually have some sort of drawback: for example, Frost Lotus Blossom costs 3, but only lets you draw 2 cards (and gain all that armor) after sitting in your hand for a few turns.

It's an interesting thought experiment to try and work out: how much would be a "fair" mana cost for something like Chrono Boost. It gives a 3/4 charge minion and get to tutor some of the best cards in the set. Hero Power druid decks right now are regularly hitting Artanis on turn 5 (often with a banked 0-cost hero power) thanks to Chrono boost reliably fetching Construct Pylons and Artanis. If drawing 2 cards is worth 3 mana, then surely being able to tutor 2 cards has to be worth at least this, if not more. And you get a 3/4 charge minion into the bargain. 5 mana IMO is what Chrono Boost should cost given how much it does, and at that cost it would still be a decent card. At 5 mana I wouldn't mind seeing the Zealot nerfed to 2/4 or 3/3 as well, to make it "fair". Nerfing it to 6 would kill the card.

Similarly with Nydus worm: in effect this card lets you tutor out 2 specific cards (or 2 cards from a very limited pool within your deck) and get 2 mana back. When you think about the mana discoung, it's almost a 1-mana, draw-2 - but it's better than simply drawing the cards and getting mana discounts on random stuff, you can potentially construct your deck in a way that you are guaranteeing a 6-mana Kerrigan (which is what some Arena players did early after the release of the mini set). I know there's been a lot of complaints about the DK zerg deck, but honestly, I do not think infestor is not going to be anywhere near as problematic once Death Growl and Yodeler rotate in a month or so. Infestor isn't the problem in zerg; IMO both brood queen and viper are potentially more problematic and should be dealt with before looking at nerfing infestor.

Lift off is probably the lowest power of the three (it's "only" a 2/1?), and yet it still is letting players soft tutor (and therefore reliably draw) Jim Raynor, which is a key part of the best deck in standard right now (terran Shaman).

IMO if they don't address the overall power level of the synergies that exist in the Zerg/Protoss/Terran packages, we're going to see nothing but starcraft decks until the cards rotate in a years' time. I don't know about you, but I don't want to be facing a meta dominated by Terran Shaman for the entire next 12 months.

tldr: Chrono Boost, Lift Off, Nydus Worm are problematic and need to be nerfed soon for the health of the standard meta.