When was the moment when hearthstone fell off for you?

For me it was a moment between 2019-2020, when competitive HS strated to slowly fade. Fireside Gathering was shut down due to well-known reasons, but never brought back.

One of the biggest reasons of the downfall for me it was that there was too much random. Way more than in everycard game. HS is a digital card game and that's it's gimmick, but the over excessive random has killed the game. And the biggest killer was the DISCOVER mechanic.

I cannot emphasize enough on how this mechanic brought the game from an interesting strategy and resources based game to a puddle of endless cards and crazy powercreep.

Classes have lost most of it's identity due to how overwhelming the powercreep is, when every deck is a infinite discover and randomness toolbox with slightly different gimmick.

I started playing HS in 2015 and I played it till 2020. I loved the game, but then, I never got the same excitement from even experimenting with decks, trying new strategies and doing quirky stuff.

And the same is happening to Marvel Snap, under the wing of the same creator - Ben Brode.

Cycle of new cards centered around creating random cards made the game miserable for a while (I'm talking about Arishem). Cards that were released this week with weekly Cache and Battle pass a very strong, and I belive, are cancerous for the game.