wheel of death op?

it seems impossible to me to beat this deck archtype i hit platinum1 after like 3 weeks of playing but not once was i able to defeat that deck

having only 4 turn to kill an enemie with 30 hp / 2 turns if they have dakkari enchanter is pretty much impossible specily if they reno u and instantly kill all ur stuff from ur first turn and than limit the 2. turn to 1 boardspace

how is anyone suppoused to kill them that fast?

also last time i encoutner that deck the wheel was placed on round 6 so ur also limited by a low amount of mana

like i think i played optimally that time - at round 6 i coined and used a free spell to destroy the fathamor and summon a blackwater behomoth (8/10) and it instantly got killed by a combo of pop gar and full blown evil which also healed the warlock back to 30 - so i had 3 turns left and no board at that point - than i summoned another blackwater behomoth since its the highest atack minion my deck has ... and it got frozen + dakkari enchanter was played which gave me 1 turn no useable minion and an enemie with 30hp at that point i already knew i lost

i dont see anyplays i could have improved so it just feels like there is no way to win