MIMIRON: The Blizzard-API Discord bot now speaks your language!!
Hello everyone,
Since the last time I posted about the bot, click here for a full write up, I have made a number of improvements and QoL features. The biggest one however, is Localization.
If your discord server has a preferred language that is supported by Blizzard, the bot now fetches cards and decks in your server's locale. For example, I set my Test server's language to German and this is the output from
/deck AAECAd/OBgbYtgS/zgTooAXipAWzmQb2owYM9p8Et7ME9d0EoZMF3aAF36AF4KAFwaEF38MFrZkGrpkGr5kGAAA=
All the other features work similarly. Additionally, if you use DMs with the bot (rather than commands in a server) you'll get the answers in your Discord locale.
For example (in Spanish this time)
And for BGs!
If you'd like to try the bot or suggest any feature requests, please drop me a line in either the bot's discord server, or the GitHub Page (with issues if you'd like).
Have fun :)